Get to Work
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Are all industries/Sectors covered by this Victoria University WIL programme?
Victoria University offers a variety of courses from diploma
level, to undergraduate and postgraduate studies. These cover most
sectors of the global economy and body politic. Therefore, most
sectors can benefit from participating in the Victoria University
WIL programme. Professional fields such as nursing, teaching and
engineering already have a structured work integrated learning
associated with professional accreditation requirements. Other
courses/programs; Law, Humanities & Social Sciences, Information
Technology and Computer Sciences, Business and Agriculture are all
fused with Work integrated learning.
Adjustments and reasonable accommodation can be made to fit the
unique expectations and requirements of an organization.
2. Does the organization need to provide anything for the student?
The participating organization should offer a rewarding workplace experience for the student which includes the tools they need to do the work /tasks assigned to them. The common work-place tools of trade: a workspace, suitable equipment and appropriate mentoring and supervision. The organization is not required to pay any money to the student placed
3. How will this programme help my organization/business?
When an organization mentors a student, the benefits are immense. The business/organisation has extra pairs of hands available immediately to be engaged in your projects, events and campaigns. The full-time staff who mentor the student will learn valuable management skills. Needless to say, you will be aiding to improve the quality of graduates available to your industry. Other benefits have been discussed elsewhere in this proposal
4. When are students available for the VU WIL?
Victoria University WIL programme is unique. Our students are available throughout the year. We request for 2-3 days a week 8am-5pm which translates to 16-24hours a week. Victoria University WIL department (GRIP) and specific faculties will work with your organization for suitable days of the week that is convenient to the organization, the student and the university faculty supervisor.
5. How much work will my staff have to do to support the student?
In collaboration with Faculty staff and Victoria University WIL department, a student work plan will be created. Supervision and reporting will be needed and the work plan should dictate the amount of time, your staff needs to be involved.
6. This programme sounds great, how much will it cost?
ZERO. The student is undertaking a real-life study experience. There is no cost expected from you. All motivational arrangements will be a consideration between you and the student. Victoria University only insists that it should be genuine, well deserved and meritorious.